public class ToTellTheTruth { public static void main(String[] args) { TrueStory.tell(); // TruthTables.print(); } } class TruthValues { public static final boolean t = true, f = false; public static final Boolean T = Boolean.TRUE, F = Boolean.FALSE; } class TruthyEpigraphs { private static out = System.out; public static String getDumbledoreQuote() { String epigraph = ""; epigraph += " \"The truth.\" Dumbledore sighed. \"It is a beautiful\n"; epigraph += " and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated\n"; epigraph += " with great caution.\"\n"; epigraph += "\n- J.K. ROWLING, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\n"; return epigraph; } public static String getContrapositionBlurb() { String epigraph = ""; epigraph += " In logic, contraposition is an inference that\n"; epigraph += " says that a conditional statement is logically\n"; epigraph += " equivalent to its contrapositive.\n"; epigraph += "\n -\n"; return epigraph; } public static void putAtTop(String epigraph) { out.print(epigraph); out.println(); out.println(); } public static void putAtBottom(String epigraph) { out.println(); out.println(); out.print(epigraph); } public static void main(String[] args) { putAtTop(getDumbledoreQuote()); out.println("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,"); out.println("sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore"); out.println("magna aliqua."); putAtBottom(getContrapositionBlurb()); } } class TrueStory { private static out = System.out; private static void tellAboutConstantVariables() { out.println("In the TruthValues class, the letters t, f, T,"); out.println("and F are the names of four constant variables."); } private static void tellAboutComparisonOperator() { out.print("The boolean expression t == f evaluates to "); out.print(TruthValues.t == TruthValues.f); out.println("."); } private static void tellAboutNotAndNotEqualsOperators() { out.print("The expression !(t != f) also evaluates to "); out.print(!(TruthValues.t != TruthValues.f)); out.println("."); } private static void tellAboutSelectionOperator() { out.print("Similarly, t ? t : f evaluates to "); out.print(TruthValues.t ? TruthValues.t : TruthValues.f); out.print(", and \n!t ? !t : !f also evaluates to "); out.print(!TruthValues.t ? !TruthValues.t : !TruthValues.f); out.println("."); } private static void tellAboutWrapperClasses() { out.println("Values of type Boolean are not the same as values"); out.println("of type boolean. The latter (boolean) is one of"); out.println("the eight primitive Java data types. The former"); out.println("(Boolean) is like boolean but provides more"); out.println("capabilities, albeit at a price. In the curious"); out.println("case of the constant variables t, f, T, and F,"); out.println("T.equals(t) is an expression that evaluates to"); out.print(TruthValues.T.equals(TruthValues.t)); out.print("."); out.println(" But t.equals(t) is not valid, because the"); out.println("value of t is of type boolean, which is a"); out.println("primitive type, and such a value is just only a"); out.println("value, nothing more. Values of types like Boolean,"); out.println("on the other hand, are things programmers call"); out.println("\"objects\". And objects may have methods like"); out.println("Boolean.equals() that can be invoked. Objects and"); out.println("the classes that define their types can also have"); out.println("meta values like Boolean.TRUE, the value of which"); out.print("(as you might have guessed) is "); out.print(Boolean.TRUE); out.println("."); } public static void tell() { out.println("True Story"); out.println(); TruthyEpigraphs.putAtTop(TruthyEpigraphs.getContrapositionBlurb()); tellAboutConstantVariables(); out.println(); tellAboutComparisonOperator(); tellAboutNotAndNotEqualsOperators(); tellAboutSelectionOperator(); out.println(); tellAboutWrapperClasses(); TruthyEpigraphs.putAtBottom(TruthyEpigraphs.getDumbledoreQuote()); } public static void main(String[] args) { tell(); } }