import java.util.List; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.ArrayList; public class BibCity { public static void main(String[] args) { Publisher addisonWesley = PublishersTradeAssociation.newPublisher("Addison Wesley"); Author gbt = new Author("George B. Thomas"); Book calculus_e1 = gbt.newNonfiction( addisonWesley, "Calculus and Analytic Geometry, 1st ed."); AuthorCollector dek = new AuthorCollector("Donald E. Knuth"); dek.library().add(calculus_e1.copy()); dek.signBookDeal(addisonWesley); Book taocp_v1 = dek.newNonfiction( "The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 1 (Fundamental Algorithms)"); dek.library().add(taocp_v1.copy()); Book surreal = dek.newFiction("Surreal Numbers"); dek.library().add(surreal.copy()); Author[] collaborator = { new Author("Ross L. Finney") }; gbt.collaborateWith(collaborator); Book calculus_e8 = gbt.newNonfiction( addisonWesley, "Calculus and Analytic Geometry, 8th ed."); Collector jps = new Collector("Mr. Spurgeon"); jps.library().add(calculus_e8.copy()); jps.library().add(taocp_v1.copy()); System.out.println("DEK's Collection:"); System.out.println(dek.library()); System.out.println("JPS's Collection:"); System.out.println(jps.library()); } }
class Publisher { private final String name; private final Integer id; private Integer currentBookNumber = 0; public Publisher(String name, int id) { = name; = id; } public String name() { return name; } public Integer id() { return id; } public String nextIsbn() { currentBookNumber++; return id.toString() + "-" + currentBookNumber.toString(); } } class PublishersTradeAssociation { private static int currentPublisherNumber = 0; public static Publisher newPublisher(String name) { currentPublisherNumber++; return new Publisher(name, currentPublisherNumber); } }
class Library { private Collection<PrintCopy> collection = new ArrayList<PrintCopy>(); public boolean hasBook(Book book) { for (PrintCopy copy : collection) { if (copy.isbn().equals(book.isbn())) return true; } return false; } public void add(PrintCopy copy) { collection.add(copy); } public String toString() { String s = ""; for (PrintCopy book : collection) { s += book.toString() + "\n"; } return s; } }
class Author { private String name; private Author[] collaborators = {}; private Publisher myPublisher = null; private List<Book> myBooks = new ArrayList<Book>(); public Author(String name) { = name; } public void collaborateWith(Author[] others) { collaborators = others; } public void stopCollaborating() { collaborators = new Author[0]; } public List<Book> myBooks() { return myBooks; } public void signBookDeal(Publisher publisher) { this.myPublisher = publisher; } public Book newFiction(String title) { return this.newFiction(this.myPublisher, title); } public Book newNonfiction(String title) { return this.newNonfiction(this.myPublisher, title); } public Book newFiction(Publisher publisher, String title) { Book newBook = collaborators.length == 0 ? new FictionBook(publisher, title, this) : new CollaborativeFictionBook(publisher, title, this, collaborators); for (Author collaborator : collaborators) collaborator.myBooks().add(newBook); this.myBooks.add(newBook); return newBook; } public Book newNonfiction(Publisher publisher, String title) { Book newBook = collaborators.length == 0 ? new NonFictionBook(publisher, title, this) : new NonFictionBook(publisher, title, this, collaborators); for (Author collaborator : collaborators) collaborator.myBooks().add(newBook); this.myBooks.add(newBook); return newBook; } }
interface Bibliophile { public abstract Library library(); } class AuthorCollector extends Author implements Bibliophile { private Library myLibrary = new Library(); public AuthorCollector(String name) { super(name); } public Library library() { return myLibrary; } } class Collector implements Bibliophile { private String name; private Library myLibrary = new Library(); public Collector(String name) { = name; } public Library library() { return myLibrary; } }
interface BookInfo { public abstract String isbn(); public abstract Publisher publisher(); public abstract String title(); public abstract Author author(); public abstract Author author(int i); public abstract int authorCount(); public abstract String category(); } class PrintCopy implements BookInfo { private final Book book; private final int copyNumber; public PrintCopy(Book book) { = book; this.copyNumber = book.copiesPrinted(); } public String isbn() { return; } public String title() { return; } public Author author() { return; } public Author author(int i) { return; } public int authorCount() { return; } public String category() { return; } public Publisher publisher() { return; } public boolean equals(PrintCopy copy) { return this.isbn().equals(copy.isbn()); } public String toString() { return "copy #" + copyNumber + ": " +; } }
abstract class Book implements BookInfo { private int copiesPrinted = 0; private final String isbn; private final String title; private final Author[] authors; private final Publisher publisher; protected Book(Publisher publisher, String title, Author author) { this.publisher = publisher; this.isbn = publisher.nextIsbn(); this.title = title; this.authors = new Author[1]; authors[0] = author; } protected Book(Publisher publisher, String title, Author author, Author[] others) { this.publisher = publisher; this.isbn = publisher.nextIsbn(); this.title = title; int n = others.length; this.authors = new Author[n + 1]; this.authors[0] = author; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) this.authors[i + 1] = others[i]; } public PrintCopy copy() { this.copiesPrinted++; return new PrintCopy(this); } public String isbn() { return this.isbn; } public String title() { return this.title; } public int copiesPrinted() { return this.copiesPrinted; } public Author author() { return this.authors[0]; } public Author author(int i) { return this.authors[i]; } public int authorCount() { return this.authors.length; } public Publisher publisher() { return this.publisher; } public String toString() { return this.title; } public abstract String category(); }
class FictionBook extends Book { public FictionBook(Publisher publisher, String title, Author author) { super(publisher, title, author); } public String category() { return "fiction"; } } class CollaborativeFictionBook extends Book { public CollaborativeFictionBook( Publisher publisher, String title, Author author, Author[] others) { super(publisher, title, author, others); } public String category() { return "collaborative fiction"; } } class NonFictionBook extends Book { public NonFictionBook( Publisher publisher, String title, Author author, Author[] others) { super(publisher, title, author, others); } public NonFictionBook(Publisher publisher, String title, Author author) { super(publisher, title, author); } public String category() { return "nonfiction"; } }