
Analysis of Algorithms

// by John P. Spurgeon

/*                  Of course, “nonnumerical analysis” is a terribly negative name for this
 *         field of study, and it would be much better to have a positive, descriptive term
 *                 which characterizes the subject. “Information processing” is too broad a
 *                designation for the matter I am considering, and “programming techniques”
 *          is too narrow. Therefore, I wish to propose analysis of algorithms as an appro-
 *             priate name for the subject matter covered in these books; as explained more
 *            fully in the books themselves, this name is meant to imply “the theory of the
 *                                           properties of particular computer algorithms.”
 *                        — DONALD E. KNUTH, The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 1 (1968)
 *                                              Ernest Hemingway’s work is characterized by
 *                                          direct, uncomplicated prose and a lack of arti-
 *                                     fice. In his fiction, he describes only the tangible
 *                                      truths: dialog, action, superficial traits. He does
 *                                      not attempt to explain emotion; he leaves it alone.
 *                                           This is not because Hemingway doesn’t want his
 *                                      stories to convey feeling — quite the opposite: his
 *                                         intent is to create a vacuum so that it might be
 *                                        filled by the reader’s own experience. After all,
 *                                          emotion is more easily felt than described with
 *                                                                                   words:
 *                                            I have tried to eliminate everything unneces-
 *                                            sary to conveying experience to the reader so
 *                                          that after he or she has read something it will
 *                                               become a part of his or her experience and
 *                                                          seem actually to have happened.
 *                                                Hemingway’s prose is never showy, and his
 *                                           syntax is almost obsessively conventional. The
 *                                            short, unchallenging sentences and absence of
 *                                       difficult words add a childlike quality to his ca-
 *                                        dence. He assumes the role of naive observer, all
 *                                        the better to draw his readers into the emotional
 *                                                                            caos beneath.
 *                                      — ANGUS CROLL, If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript (2015)
 *                         In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village
 *                             that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains.
 *                                            — ERNEST HEMINGWAY, A Farewell to Arms (1929)

// On 30 April 2018, this was at:

/* In the last years of my twenty at the corporation, we built a house on a hill that looks across
 * the Sunset Highway and the Willamette Valley to town. I worked in the IT department back then.

/* An arm is an upper limb of the body.
 * Arm or ARM may also refer to:
 * Computing
 * - ARM architecture, a RISC instruction set family
 *   - ARM Holdings, a multinational company that designs the ARM computer processors
 * - Application Response Measurement, an open standard for diagnosing performance bottlenecks
 * - Abstract rewriting machine, a virtual machine
 * - Arm (software), a CLI status monitor for Tor
 * Weaponry
 * - Armaments or weapon, any device used with intent to inflict damage or harm
 *   - Firearm, a portable gun
 * - Anti-radiation missile, a missile designed to detect and home in on an enemy radio emission source
 * from

/* Edmund Callis Berkeley (February 22, 1909 – March 7, 1988) was an American computer scientist
 * who co-founded the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) in 1947. His 1949 book Giant Brains,
 * or Machines That Think popularized cognitive images of early computers. He was also a social
 * activist who worked to achieve conditions that might minimize the threat of nuclear war.
 * Berkeley received a BA in Mathematics and Logic from Harvard in 1930. He pursued a career as an
 * insurance actuary at Prudential Insurance from 1934–48, except for service in the United States
 * Navy during World War II.
 * from

/* The leaders of North and South Korea agreed on Friday to work to remove all nuclear weapons from the
 * Korean Peninsula and, within the year, pursue talks with the United States to declare an official end
 * to the Korean War, which ravaged the peninsula from 1950 to 1953.
 * from “North and South Korea Set Bold Goals: A Final Peace and No Nuclear Arms”
 * by Choe Sang-Hun, The New York Times (April 27, 2018); accessed on 29 April 2018 at:


import java.lang.Iterable;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;


// Values comprise datasets.

interface Labeled { String label(); }
interface Dataset<E> extends Labeled {
    int size();
    E getValue(int i);
    E lastAdded();
interface ExtensibleDataset<E> extends Dataset<E> {
    void add(E element);

// Datasets yield fundamental metrics.

interface IntegralMetrics extends Labeled {
    Long sum();
    Long min();
    Long max();
    Double avg();
    Double sd(); // standard deviation

// Fundamental metrics can be used to analyze algorithms.

interface TimeAnalysis       { IntegralMetrics elapsedTime(); }
interface ComparisonAnalysis { IntegralMetrics comparisons(); }
interface ExchangeAnalysis   { IntegralMetrics exchanges(); }

// Doers do.

interface Searcher<E extends Comparable<E>> { int search(E element, List<E> list); }
interface Sorter<E extends Comparable<E>>   { List<E> sort(List<E> list); }
interface Exchanger<E>                      { void exchange(List<E> list, int i, int j); }
interface Permuter<E>                       { List<List<E>> allPermutationsOf(List<E> list); }
interface Shuffler<E>                       { List<E> shuffle(List<E> list); }
interface ReadonlyCounter                   { long getCount(); }
interface Counter extends ReadonlyCounter   { void increment(); }

// Some types are mashups, such as doers that think too.

interface ComparisonAlgorithmAnalysis extends TimeAnalysis, ComparisonAnalysis {}
interface ExchangeSortingAnalysis extends ComparisonAlgorithmAnalysis, ExchangeAnalysis {}

interface SearcherAnalyzer<E extends Comparable<E>>
    extends Searcher<E>, ComparisonAlgorithmAnalysis, ReadonlyCounter {}

interface SorterAnalyzer<E extends Comparable<E>>
    extends Sorter<E>, ComparisonAlgorithmAnalysis, ReadonlyCounter {}

interface ExchangeSorterAnalyzer<E extends Comparable<E>>
    extends SorterAnalyzer<E>, ExchangeSortingAnalysis {}


class CounterMayThrowException implements Counter
    private long count = 0;
    private long overflowCount = 0;
    private final boolean throwExceptionIfCounterOverflows;

    public CounterMayThrowException() { this(true); }
    public CounterMayThrowException(boolean throwExceptionIfCounterOverflows) {
        this.throwExceptionIfCounterOverflows = throwExceptionIfCounterOverflows;
    public final long getCount() { return count; }
    public final long getOverflowCount() { return overflowCount; }
    public final void increment()
        if (++count < 0) // Increment count first and then check the value.
            count = 1;
    protected void onOverflow() {
        if (throwExceptionIfCounterOverflows)
            throw new ArithmeticException("Counter overflowed.");
        if (++overflowCount < 0)
            throw new ArithmeticException("Overflow counter overflowed. (Wow!)");

final class ComparatorCounter<E> implements Comparator<E>, ReadonlyCounter
    private final Comparator<E> comparator;
    private final Counter comparisonCounter = new CounterMayThrowException();
    public ComparatorCounter(Comparator<E> comparator) { this.comparator = comparator; }
    public final int compare(E left, E right)
        return, right);
    public final long getCount() { return comparisonCounter.getCount(); }

final class ExchangerCounter<E> implements Exchanger<E>, ReadonlyCounter
    private final Counter exchangeCounter = new CounterMayThrowException();
    public final void exchange(List<E> list, int i, int j)
        final E tmp = list.get(i);
        list.set(i, list.get(j));
        list.set(j, tmp);
    public final long getCount() { return exchangeCounter.getCount(); }


final class ExtensibleDatasetMetrics implements ExtensibleDataset<Long>, IntegralMetrics 
    private final String label;
    private List<Long> values = new ArrayList<Long>();
    private Long lastAdded = null;
    private Long sum = null;
    private Long min = null;
    private Long max = null;
    private Double sd;
    private boolean isDirty = false;

    public ExtensibleDatasetMetrics(String label) { this.label = label; }

    public final String label()       { return label; }
    public final int size()           { return values.size(); }
    public final Long getValue(int i) { return values.get(i); }
    public final Long lastAdded()     { return lastAdded; }
    public final Long sum()           { return sum; }
    public final Long max()           { return max; }
    public final Long min()           { return min; }
    public final Double avg()         { return ((double)sum) / values.size(); }
    public final Double sd() {
        if (isDirty) {
            sd = computeStdDev(values, this.avg());
            isDirty = false;
        return sd;
    public void add(Long value) {
        isDirty = true;
        lastAdded = value;
        if (sum == null) min = max = sum = value;
        else {
            sum += value;
            if (value < min) min = value;
            else if (value > max) max = value;
    private double computeStdDev(List<Long> values, double average) {
        final int n = values.size();
        double sumOfSquares = 0;
        for (long value : values) {
            final double difference = value - average;
            sumOfSquares += difference * difference;
        final double avgSquaredDifference = sumOfSquares / n;
        return Math.sqrt(avgSquaredDifference);

/*              Doctrine and dogma are the enemies of good JavaScript. Beware of the overly
 *                protective mentor; reject the dry and narrow confines of computer science
 *              classes. Some developers thrive on rules and constraint, which is why there
 *               is Java. If 25 famous authors wrote Java, the result would be more or less
 *             the same every time. But JavaScript is much less prescriptive and appeals to
 *                                          those who value creativity over predictability.
 *                                       —ANGUS CROLL, If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript (2015)


abstract class AbstractComparisonAlgorithmAnalyzer<E extends Comparable<E>>
implements ComparisonAlgorithmAnalysis
    private final ComparatorCounter<E> comparatorCounter;
    private long startCompareCount, startTime;
    private final ExtensibleDatasetMetrics
        timeData = new ExtensibleDatasetMetrics("Time"),
        compareData = new ExtensibleDatasetMetrics("Comparisons");

    // Constructors
    protected AbstractComparisonAlgorithmAnalyzer() {
        this((E left, E right) -> left.compareTo(right));
    protected AbstractComparisonAlgorithmAnalyzer(Comparator<E> cmp) {
        this(new ComparatorCounter<E>(cmp));
    protected AbstractComparisonAlgorithmAnalyzer(ComparatorCounter<E> cmpCtr) {
        this.comparatorCounter = cmpCtr;

    // Protected Operations
    protected final Comparator<E> getComparator() {
        return comparatorCounter;
    protected final int compare(E left, E right) {
        return, right);
    protected void doBeforeCallingMethod() {
        startCompareCount = comparatorCounter.getCount();
        startTime = System.nanoTime();
    protected void doAfterMethodReturns() {
        timeData.add(System.nanoTime() - startTime);
        compareData.add(comparatorCounter.getCount() - startCompareCount);

    // Public Operations
    public final long getCount() { return timeData.size(); }
    public final IntegralMetrics elapsedTime() { return timeData; }
    public final IntegralMetrics comparisons() { return compareData; }
    public String toString() { return this.getClass().getSimpleName(); }


abstract class AbstractSorterAnalyzer<E extends Comparable<E>>
extends AbstractComparisonAlgorithmAnalyzer<E> implements SorterAnalyzer<E>
    // Constructors
    protected AbstractSorterAnalyzer() { super(); }
    protected AbstractSorterAnalyzer(Comparator<E> cmp) { super(cmp); }

    // Additional Operations
    protected abstract void applySortMethod(List<E> list); // SORTING ALGORITHM GOES HERE

    public final List<E> sort(List<E> list)
        doBeforeCallingMethod(); // START COLLECTING DATA
        applySortMethod(list);   // EXECUTE SORTING ALGORITHM
        doAfterMethodReturns();  // FINISH COLLECTING DATA
        return list;

abstract class AbstractExchangeSorterAnalyzer<E extends Comparable<E>>
extends AbstractSorterAnalyzer<E> implements ExchangeSorterAnalyzer<E>
    // Additional Values
    private final ExchangerCounter<E> exchangerCounter = new ExchangerCounter<E>();
    private long startExchangeCount;
    private final ExtensibleDatasetMetrics exchangeData =
        new ExtensibleDatasetMetrics("Exchanges");

    // Constructors
    protected AbstractExchangeSorterAnalyzer() { super(); }
    protected AbstractExchangeSorterAnalyzer(Comparator<E> cmp) { super(cmp); }

    // Method Overrides
    protected final void doBeforeCallingMethod() {
        startExchangeCount = exchangerCounter.getCount();
    protected final void doAfterMethodReturns() {
        exchangeData.add(exchangerCounter.getCount() - startExchangeCount);

    // Additional Operations
    protected final void exchange(List<E> list, int i, int j) {, i, j);
    protected final ReadonlyCounter getExchangeCounter() { return exchangerCounter; }    
    public final IntegralMetrics exchanges() { return exchangeData; }

final class BubbleSorter<E extends Comparable<E>> extends AbstractExchangeSorterAnalyzer<E>
    public BubbleSorter() { super(); }
    public BubbleSorter(Comparator<E> cmp) { super(cmp); }
    protected void applySortMethod(List<E> list)
        final int n = list.size();
        final ReadonlyCounter xCtr = getExchangeCounter();
        for (int k = n - 1; k > 0; k--)        // The next largest value bubbles up to its spot each pass,
        {                                      // so we don't need to go all the way to the end each time.
            final long xCt = xCtr.getCount();  //   Note the current exchange count; we'll use it later.
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)        //   We'll compare successive pairs of elements beginning at
            {                                  //   at index zero, proceeding as far to the right as necessary.
                final int j = i + 1;           //     The index of left is i. Let j be the index of right.
                final E left = list.get(i);    //     Get the value of left at position i.
                final E right = list.get(j);   //     Get the value of right at position j.
                if (compare(left, right) > 0)  //     If left is greater than right,
                    exchange(list, i, j);      //       then exchange.
            }                                  //     Increment i and compare the next pair of elements.
            if (xCt == xCtr.getCount())        //   If we didn't make any more exchanges, then
                return;                        //     the list must be sorted, so return to whence you came.
        }                                      //   Repeat until done. (Bubble up the next largest value.)
    }                                          // Done: Shake a cocktail and celebrate!

final class SelectionSorter<E extends Comparable<E>> extends AbstractExchangeSorterAnalyzer<E>
    public SelectionSorter() { super(); }
    public SelectionSorter(Comparator<E> cmp) { super(cmp); }
    private int indexOfMin(List<E> list, int i, int j)
        int indexOfMin = i;
        E min = list.get(indexOfMin);
        for (int k = i + 1; k <= j; k++)
            final E curr = list.get(k);
            if (compare(curr, min) < 0)
                min = curr;
                indexOfMin = k;
        return indexOfMin;
    protected void applySortMethod(List<E> list)
        final int n = list.size();                 // Let n be the number of elements to sort.
        final int j = n - 1;                       // Let j be the index of the last element.
        for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)                // Consider each successively smaller tail of the list:
        {                                          //
            final int k = indexOfMin(list, i, j);  //   Find the index of the smallest element in the tail.
            if (k != i)                            //   If the element is not at the front of the tail,
                exchange(list, i, k);              //     then exchange it with the head of the tail.
        }                                          //   Repeat until the tail is no more.
    }                                              // Done.

final class InsertionSorter<E extends Comparable<E>> extends AbstractExchangeSorterAnalyzer<E>
    public InsertionSorter() { super(); }
    public InsertionSorter(Comparator<E> cmp) { super(cmp); }
    protected void applySortMethod(List<E> list)
        final int n = list.size();             // Let n be the number of elements to insert in order.
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)            // Insert elements one by one into a sorted part.
        {                                      // The next element to insert, if any, is at index i.
            final E right = list.get(i);       //   Let right be the value of the element at index i.
            for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)   //   Start just to the left of right and move left.
            {                                  //   The next already inserted element is at index j.
                final E left = list.get(j);    //     Let left be the value of the element at index j.
                if (compare(right, left) < 0)  //     If right is less than left, then
                    exchange(list, j, j + 1);  //       exchange left and right (right must be at j + 1);
                else                           //     otherwise,
                    break;                     //       right is inserted. Go insert the next element.
            }                                  //     Consider the next already inserted element, if any.
        }                                      //   Insert the next element until all are inserted. 
    }                                          // Done.

final class QuickSorter<E extends Comparable<E>> extends AbstractExchangeSorterAnalyzer<E>
    public QuickSorter() { super(); }
    public QuickSorter(Comparator<E> cmp) { super(cmp); }
    private void quickSort(List<E> list, int i, int j)
        if (j <= i) return;                  // (There might be nothing to do.)
        int p = i;                           // Let p be the index of the pivot.
        final E left = list.get(p);          // Let left be the value of the pivot.
        for (int k = i + 1; k <= j; k++)     // Consider each element to the right of the pivot.
        {                                    //
            final E right = list.get(k);     //   Let right be the value under consideration.
            if (compare(right, left) < 0)    //   If right is less than left, then
            {                                //     move right to the other side of left:
                if (k > p + 1)               //     If right isn't already next to left, then
                  exchange(list, p + 1, k);  //        move right immediately to the right of left.
                exchange(list, p, p + 1);    //     Exchange left and right.
                p++;                         //     Increment the index of the pivot.
            }                                //   
        }                                    //   Consider the next element, if any.
        quickSort(list, i, p - 1);           // Sort the elements to the left of the pivot.
        quickSort(list, p + 1, j);           // Sort the elements to the right of the pivot.
    }                                        // Done.

    protected void applySortMethod(List<E> list) { quickSort(list, 0, list.size() - 1); }

final class CollectionsSorter<E extends Comparable<E>> extends AbstractExchangeSorterAnalyzer<E>
    public CollectionsSorter() { super(); }
    public CollectionsSorter(Comparator<E> cmp) { super(cmp); }
    protected void applySortMethod(List<E> list) { Collections.sort(list, getComparator()); }

final class MergeSorter<E extends Comparable<E>> extends AbstractExchangeSorterAnalyzer<E>
    private List<E> valuesToSort;
    private List<E> mergedValues;

    public MergeSorter() { super(); }
    public MergeSorter(Comparator<E> cmp) { super(cmp); }

    private void createMergedValues(int n) {
        mergedValues = new ArrayList<E>(n);
        while (n-- > 0) mergedValues.add(null);
    private void merge(int iStart, int iEnd, int jStart, int jEnd) {
        E nextValue;
        int i = iStart, j = jStart;
        int k = i;
        // TO DO: FINISH
while (i <= iEnd && j <= jEnd) { final E iValue = valuesToSort.get(i); final E jValue = valuesToSort.get(j); if (compare(iValue, jValue) < 0) { nextValue = iValue; i++; } else { nextValue = jValue; j++; } mergedValues.set(k++, nextValue); } while (i <= iEnd) { nextValue = valuesToSort.get(i++); mergedValues.set(k++, nextValue); } while (j <= jEnd) { nextValue = valuesToSort.get(j++); mergedValues.set(k++, nextValue); }
    private void mergeSort(int i, int j) {
        final int n = (j - i) + 1;
        if (n < 2) return;
        int startRight = i + (n / 2);
        int endLeft = startRight - 1;
        // TO DO: FINISH
if (n > 1) { mergeSort(i, endLeft); mergeSort(startRight, j); } merge(i, endLeft, startRight, j); for (int k = i; k <= j; k++) valuesToSort.set(k, mergedValues.get(k));
} protected void applySortMethod(List<E> list) { final int n = list.size(); if (n < 2) return; valuesToSort = list; createMergedValues(n); mergeSort(0, n - 1); } } */

final class SorterFactory<E extends Comparable<E>> {
    public List<ExchangeSorterAnalyzer<E>> makeExchangeSorters() {
        List<ExchangeSorterAnalyzer<E>> sorters;
        sorters = new LinkedList<ExchangeSorterAnalyzer<E>>();
        sorters.add(new BubbleSorter<E>());
        sorters.add(new SelectionSorter<E>());
        sorters.add(new InsertionSorter<E>());
        sorters.add(new QuickSorter<E>());
        sorters.add(new CollectionsSorter<E>());
        //sorters.add(new MergeSorter<E>());
        return sorters;

/* COPIER */

final class Copier {
    public static <E> List<E> copy(Iterable<E> list) {
        List<E> copyOfList = new LinkedList<E>();
        for (E element : list) copyOfList.add(element);
        return copyOfList;


final class KnuthShuffler<E> implements Shuffler<E> {
    private int getRandomIntegerBetween(int lower, int upper) {
        final int diff = upper - lower;
        return lower + (int)(Math.random() * (diff + 1));
    public List<E> shuffle(List<E> list) {
        final int lastIndex = list.size() - 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < lastIndex; i++) {
            int j = getRandomIntegerBetween(i, lastIndex);
            E tmp = list.get(i);
            list.set(i, list.get(j));
            list.set(j, tmp);
        return list;

final class SortShuffler<E> implements Shuffler<E> {
    public List<E> shuffle(List<E> list) {
        Collections.sort(list, (E l, E r) -> (int)(Math.random() - 0.5));
        return list;

/*              A permutation of a finite set is an arrangement of its elements into a row.
 *                        — DONALD E. KNUTH, The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 3 (1998)


final class RecursivePermuter<E> implements Permuter<E>
    public final List<List<E>> allPermutationsOf(List<E> list) {
        return allPermutationsOf(list, 0);
    private List<List<E>> allPermutationsOf(List<E> list, int headIndex) {
        final int permutationLength = list.size() - headIndex;
        List<List<E>> allPermutations = new ArrayList<List<E>>();
        if (permutationLength > 0)
            E theHeadElement = list.get(headIndex);
            List<List<E>> allPermutationsOfTail = allPermutationsOf(list, headIndex + 1);
            for (List<E> permutationOfTail : allPermutationsOfTail)
                final int lastIndex = permutationLength - 1;
                for (int putHeadAtIndex = 0; putHeadAtIndex <= lastIndex; putHeadAtIndex++)
                    List<E> newPermutation = new ArrayList<E>(permutationLength);
                    for (int i = 0; i < lastIndex; i++) {
                        E nextTailElement = permutationOfTail.get(i);
                        if (putHeadAtIndex == i) {
                    if (putHeadAtIndex == lastIndex) {
        else {
            allPermutations.add(new ArrayList<E>()); // There is one way to arrange no elements.
        return allPermutations;


final class AnalysisPrinter<E extends Comparable<E>>
    private final String TAB = "\t", NEW_LINE = "\n";
    public final void printHeaderRow()
        // OOPS! These headings are out of order!!
        final String headings[] = { "row_size", "times_sorted",
            "min_cmp", "max_cmp", "avg_cmp", "sd_cmp",
            "min_xch", "max_xch", "avg_xch", "sd_xch",
            "min_nano_sec", "max_nano_sec", "avg_nano_sec", "sd_nano_sec" };

        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("sorter");
        for (String heading : headings) sb.append( TAB + heading);
        System.out.print(sb + NEW_LINE);
    private final void printMetrics(IntegralMetrics metrics)
        System.out.print(TAB + metrics.min());
        System.out.print(TAB + metrics.max());
        System.out.print(TAB + metrics.avg());
        System.out.print(TAB +;
    private final void printAnalysis(ComparisonAlgorithmAnalysis analysis)
    private final void printAnalysis(ExchangeSortingAnalysis analysis)
    public final void printDataRow(SearcherAnalyzer<E> searcher, int n)
        System.out.print(searcher + TAB + n + TAB + searcher.getCount());
    public final void printDataRow(SorterAnalyzer<E> sorter, int n)
        System.out.print(sorter + TAB + n + TAB + sorter.getCount());
    public final void printDataRow(ExchangeSorterAnalyzer<E> sorter, int n)
        System.out.print(sorter + TAB + n + TAB + sorter.getCount());

/*   The time required to sort N records, using a decent general-purpose sorting algorithm,
 *  is roughly proportional to N log N; we make about log N “passes” over the data. This is
 *    the minimal time, as we shall see in Section 5.3.1 if the records are in random order
 *                                  and if sorting is done by pairwise comparisons of keys.
 *                        — DONALD E. KNUTH, The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 3 (1998)


final class SortingAnalyzer<E extends Comparable<E>>
    private final int rowSizeTippingPoint, sampleSize;
    private final Permuter<E> permuter = new RecursivePermuter<E>();
    private final SorterFactory<E> sorterFactory = new SorterFactory<E>();
    private final Shuffler<E> shuffler = new KnuthShuffler<E>();
    private final AnalysisPrinter<E> printer = new AnalysisPrinter<E>();
    private List<ExchangeSorterAnalyzer<E>> sorters;
    private boolean headerPrinted = false;

    public SortingAnalyzer(int rowSizeTippingPoint, int sampleSize) {
        this.rowSizeTippingPoint = rowSizeTippingPoint;
        this.sampleSize = sampleSize;        
    private void sortCopiesOf(List<E> permutation) {
        for (Sorter<E> sorter : sorters)
    private final void sortAllPermutationsOf(List<E> row) {
        for (List<E> permutation : permuter.allPermutationsOf(row))
    private final void sortShufflingsOf(List<E> row, int timesToSort) {
        final List<E> list = Copier.copy(row);
        while (timesToSort-- > 0)
    public final void sortPermutationsOf(List<E> row) {
        sorters = sorterFactory.makeExchangeSorters();
        final int rowSize = row.size();

        if (rowSize < rowSizeTippingPoint)
            sortShufflingsOf(row, sampleSize);
        if (!headerPrinted) {
            headerPrinted = true;
        for (ExchangeSorterAnalyzer<E> sorter : sorters)
            printer.printDataRow(sorter, rowSize);

/*                  The character is believed to have initiated a phenomenon referred to as
 *            “The Scully Effect”; as the medical doctor and the FBI Special Agent inspired
 *             many young women to pursue careers in science, medicine and law enforcement,
 *                    and as a result brought a perceptible increase in the number of women
 *                                                                         in those fields.
 *           (accessed on 30 April 2018)


final class SortingAnalyzerAgent
    private final SortingAnalyzer<String> analyzer;

    public SortingAnalyzerAgent(int rowSizeTippingPoint, int sampleSize) {
        analyzer = new SortingAnalyzer<String>(rowSizeTippingPoint, sampleSize);
    private List<List<String>> makeRowsToSort(String[] args) {
        final List<List<String>> rows = new LinkedList<List<String>>();
        final int n = args.length;
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            final List<String> row = new LinkedList<String>();
            final int rowSize = Integer.parseInt(args[i]);
            for (Integer element = 1; element <= rowSize; element++)
        return rows;
    private List<String> makeRowToSort(String[] args) {
        final List<String> row = new LinkedList<String>();
        final int n = args.length;
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
        return row;
    public final void analyzeSortingAlgorithms(String[] args, String arg0) {
        if (arg0.equals("sort_rows_of_size")) {
            System.out.println("Sorting permutations of zero or many rows...\n");
            for (List<String> row : makeRowsToSort(args))
        else if (arg0.equals("sort")) {
            System.out.println("Sorting permutations of a single row...\n");

/*        Ada Lovelace was the first person to publish an algorithm intended to be executed
 *          by the first modern computer, the Analytical Engine created by Charles Babbage.
 *             Because of this, she is often regarded as the first computer programmer, ...
 *    (accessed on 30 April 2018)


final public class AnalysisOfAlgorithms
    private static final int ROW_SIZE_TIPPING_POINT = 8;
    private static final int SAMPLE_SIZE = 1000;
    private static void println(String s) { System.out.println(s); }

    public static void main(String[] args)
        final String arg0 = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "";
        final String arg2 = args.length > 2 ? args[2] : "";
        if (arg0.equals("search_for") &&
                (arg2.equals("in") || arg2.equals("in_rows_of_size"))) {
            System.out.println("Sorry. Searching is not implemented yet.");
        else if (arg0.equals("sort") || arg0.equals("sort_rows_of_size")) {
            final SortingAnalyzerAgent agentLovelace = new SortingAnalyzerAgent(
            agentLovelace.analyzeSortingAlgorithms(args, arg0);
        else {
            println("This program is designed to sort or search permutations of values and output an");
            println("analysis of the sorting or searching algorithms used. When fully implemented,");
            println("the program will respond to command-line arguments as follows.\n");
            println("1. If the first command-line argument is sort or sort_rows_of_size, then");
            println("   the program will attempt to sort several permutations of rows of values.\n");
            println("   a) If the first argument is sort_rows_of_size, then the remaining arguments");
            println("      should be non-negative integers specifying the sizes of rows of strings");
            println("      to be generated, permuted, and sorted.");
            println("   b) Otherwise, the remaining arguments will be the elements of a row of strings");
            println("      to be permuted and sorted.\n");
            println("2. If the first command-line argument is search_for and the third argument");
            println("   is in or in_rows_of_size, then the program will attempt to search for");
            println("   the string passed as the second argument.\n");
            println("   a) If the third argument is in_rows_of_size, then the remaining arguments");
            println("      should be non-negative integers specifying the sizes of rows of strings");
            println("      to be generated, permuted, and searched.");
            println("   b) Otherwise, the remaining arguments will be the elements of a row of strings");
            println("      to be permuted and searched.\n");
            println("3. Otherwise, this documentation is printed.\n");
            println("An exception will be thrown if an argument that should represent a row size is not");
            println("an integer or if the integral value is too large or too small.\n");
            println("This version is not fully implemented. It doesn't support searching yet.");

/* A SHORT ROW TO HOE: a title devised to avoid the word EXERCISES, which many students find frightening */

/*  0. Use this program to sort the row: 503 087 512 061 908 170 897 275 653 426 154 509 612 677 765 703
 *     Use it to sort permutations of rows of size: 0 1 2 3 4 ...
 *     Use it to sort permutations of rows of size: 1 2 4 8 16 ...
 *     Copy the program’s output and paste it into a spreadsheet application like Excel or Libre Office
 *     Calc. Use pivot tables and charts to study how execution time, comparison counts, and exchange
 *     counts vary across different sorting algorithms and row sizes. What did you learn? Did anything
 *     surprise you? Were any unanswered questions raised? If so, which question is most interesting to
 *     you, and how might you go about trying to find an answer? Where did those random numbers come from?
 *  1. What is the largest row size you can sort permutations of using the program as it is written? How can
 *     you change the program to sort permutations of larger rows? What is the largest row size you can sort
 *     permutations of if you are only allowed to modify the AnalysisOfAlgorithms class? What did you change?
 *  2. Using a slightly modified version of this program (you may modify the AnalysisOfAlgorithms class),
 *     what is the maximum number of times per sorting algorithm that you can sort the sixteen three-digit
 *     numbers shown above in exercise 1? What limits you? Your own patience? Some other finite resource? 
 *  3. How do the sorting algorithms implemented by the program compare in terms of execution time,
 *     comparison counts, and exchange counts? Which algorithm is best? Which algorithm is worst? Which
 *     algorithm is the most predictable? Which is the least predictable? What assumptions are you making?
 *  4. How does the best algorithm compare to the second best algorithm? Define best. Can you make any
 *     improvements to either one? Can you implement an algorithm that is better than the best one? Are
 *     you encouraged or discouraged by what you’ve discovered? Are you motivated? In what sense?
 *  5. Run this program on different computers. Try using different online Java IDEs. What can you learn
 *     about the capabilities of different platforms using this program? What did you learn?
 *  6. Enhance this program so that it can be used, per the program’s documentation, to analyze searching
 *     algorithms in addition to sorting algorithms. Use the search-related interfaces provided, and
 *     extend the AbstractComparisonAlgorithmAnalyzer class. (Use the AbstractSorterAnalyzer class as
 *     an example.) Implement binary and linear search algorithms, and use the enhanced program to
 *     analyze your algorithms. What is an elephant in Cairo, and why is this question relevant?
 *  7. List the basic features and capabilities of the Java programming language used by this program.
 *     What basic features are not used? What advanced features does this program use? Explain
 *     what the following terms mean and provide examples from this program of each: interface, class
 *     constructor, local variable, constant variable, instance variable, class variable, parameter
 *     argument, lambda expression, inheritance, subtyping, subclassing, polymorphism, method overriding,
 *     method overloading, lambda expression, generics, recursion. Cite your sources.
 *  8. On page 453, the authors of Introduction to Computer Science: An Interdisiplinary Approach (2017)
 *     say that subclassing is controversial because its advantages over subtyping are debatable. What are
 *     some advantages and disadvantages of subclassing? Is the use of subclassing in this program safe?
 *     Is it justified? Why? How can subclassing be used responsibly? How can it be prevented? Should
 *     CounterMayThrowException be final? Which of the overloaded versions of Collections.sort exemplifies
 *     dependency injection? How are dependency injection and subtyping related? Is dependency injection
 *     dangerous? Is SortShuffler.shuffle using or being reckless with Collections.sort?
 *  9. Is Java too full of rules and constraints? Do you value creativity over predictability?