import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; interface Counter { int count(); } interface CountingSorter<E> { void sort(List<E> list); int exchangeCount(); int comparisonCount(); } interface Subsorter<E> { void sort(List<E> list, int lower, int upper); } interface InjectableSorter<E> { void sort(List<E> list, Comparator<E> cmp); }
final class ListFactory<E> { public final List<E> produce() { return new ArrayList<E>(); // or, new LinkedList<E>(); } } class ListCopier<E> { private final ListFactory<E> listFactory = new ListFactory<E>(); public final List<E> copy(List<E> list) { List<E> copy = listFactory.produce(); copy.addAll(list); return copy; } } final class ListPermuter<E> { private final ListFactory<E> listFactory = new ListFactory<E>(); private final ListCopier<E> listCopier = new ListCopier<E>(); private final ListFactory<List<E>> listOfListsFactory = new ListFactory<List<E>>(); public List<List<E>> allPermutationsOf(List<E> original) { List<E> list = listCopier.copy(original); List<List<E>> allPermutations = listOfListsFactory.produce(); final int n = list.size(); if (n <= 1) { List<E> singlePermutation = listCopier.copy(list); allPermutations.add(singlePermutation); return allPermutations; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { E element = list.get(i); List<E> oneLess = listFactory.produce(); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) if (i != j) oneLess.add(list.get(j)); for (List<E> permutation : allPermutationsOf(oneLess)) { List<E> nextPermutation = listFactory.produce(); nextPermutation.add(element); nextPermutation.addAll(permutation); allPermutations.add(nextPermutation); } } return allPermutations; } }
final class Multitool<E> { private final ListFactory<E> listFactory = new ListFactory<E>(); private final ListCopier<E> listCopier = new ListCopier<E>(); private final ListPermuter<E> listPermuter = new ListPermuter(); private Long startTime = System.nanoTime(); public final List<E> produce() { return listFactory.produce(); } public final List<E> copy(List<E> list) { return listCopier.copy(list); } public final List<List<E>> allPermutationsOf(List<E> list) { return listPermuter.allPermutationsOf(list); } public final void startTimer() { startTime = System.nanoTime(); } public final long stopTimer() { return System.nanoTime() - startTime; } } class CountingExchanger<E> implements Counter { private int n = 0; public void exchange(List<E> list, int i, int j) { n++; E tmp = list.get(i); list.set(i, list.get(j)); list.set(j, tmp); } public int count() { return n; } } class CountingComparator<E> implements Comparator<E>, Counter { private int n = 0; private Comparator<E> comparator; public CountingComparator(Comparator<E> cmp) { this.comparator = cmp; } public int compare(E e1, E e2) { n++; return, e2); } public int count() { return n; } }
class Pivoter<E> { private final CountingExchanger<E> exchanger; private final CountingComparator<E> comparator; public Pivoter(Comparator<E> cmp) { this(new CountingExchanger<E>(), new CountingComparator<E>(cmp)); } public Pivoter(CountingExchanger<E> exch, CountingComparator<E> cmp) { this.exchanger = exch; this.comparator = cmp; } public final int exchangeCount() { return exchanger.count(); } public final int comparisonCount() { return comparator.count(); } final public int pivotDown(List<E> list, int lower, int upper) { if (upper - lower <= 1) return -1; int pivot = upper - 1; final E pivotValue = list.get(pivot); int j = pivot - 1; for (int i = j; i >= lower; i--) { final int compareResult =, pivotValue); if (compareResult >= 0) { if (i < j), i, j); if (compareResult > 0), pivot, j); pivot = j--; } } return pivot; } public final int pivotUp(List<E> list, int lower, int upper) { if (upper - lower <= 1) return -1; int pivot = lower; final E pivotValue = list.get(pivot); int j = pivot + 1; for (int i = j; i < upper; i++) { final int compareResult =, pivotValue); if (compareResult <= 0) { if (i > j), i, j); if (compareResult < 0), pivot, j); pivot = j++; } } return pivot; }
public final int pivotIn(List<E> list, int lower, int upper) { final int n = upper - lower - 1; if (n < 1) return -1; final E pivotValue = list.get((int)(Math.random() * n)); int i = lower, j = upper - 1; int left = -1, right = -1; while (i < j) { if (left < 0) { if (, pivotValue) > 0) left = i; else i++; } if (right < 0) { if (, pivotValue) < 0) right = j; else j--; } if (left >= 0 && right >=0) {, left, right); left = right = -1; } } System.out.println("pivot index: " + i); if (left >= 0) { if (left < i - 1), left, i - 1);, i - 1, i); } else if (right >= 0) { if (right > i + 1), i + 1, right);, i, i + 1); } return i; } }
abstract class AbstractQuicksorter<E> extends Pivoter<E> implements CountingSorter<E> { protected AbstractQuicksorter(Comparator<E> cmp) { super(cmp); } public void sort(List<E> list) { introspectiveSort(list, 0, list.size()); } public void pivotInSort(List<E> list) { pivotInSort(list, 0, list.size()); } public void pivotDownSort(List<E> list) { pivotDownSort(list, 0, list.size()); } public void pivotUpSort(List<E> list) { pivotUpSort(list, 0, list.size()); } public void pivotUpDownSort(List<E> list) { pivotUpDownSort(list, 0, list.size()); } public void pivotDownUpSort(List<E> list) { pivotDownUpSort(list, 0, list.size()); } public abstract void introspectiveSort(List<E> list, int lower, int upper); public abstract void pivotDownSort(List<E> list, int lower, int upper); public abstract void pivotUpSort(List<E> list, int lower, int upper); public abstract void pivotInSort(List<E> list, int lower, int upper); public abstract void pivotDownUpSort(List<E> list, int lower, int upper); public abstract void pivotUpDownSort(List<E> list, int lower, int upper); }
final class Quicksorter<E> extends AbstractQuicksorter<E> { private final int TIP; // the too-tiny / not-too-tiny tipping point private final Subsorter<E> TOO_TINY; private final Subsorter<E> NOT_TOO_TINY; public Quicksorter(Comparator<E> cmp) { super(cmp); this.TIP = 4; this.TOO_TINY = (lst, low, high) -> pivotUpDownSort(lst, low, high); this.NOT_TOO_TINY = (lst, low, high) -> introspectiveSort(lst, low, high); } public Quicksorter(Comparator<E> cmp, int tip, Subsorter<E> tooTiny, Subsorter<E> notTooTiny) { super(cmp); this.TIP = tip; this.TOO_TINY = tooTiny; this.NOT_TOO_TINY = notTooTiny; } public final Subsorter<E> getSubsorter(int listSize) { return (listSize < this.TIP) ? this.TOO_TINY : this.NOT_TOO_TINY; } public final void introspectiveSort(List<E> list, int lower, int upper) { int pivot = super.pivotIn(list, lower, upper); if (pivot < 0) return; final int bottomSize = pivot - lower - 1; final int topSize = upper - pivot; int firstSize, secondSize, firstLower, firstUpper, secondLower, secondUpper; Subsorter<E> firstSubsorter, secondSubsorter; if (bottomSize < topSize) { firstSize = bottomSize; secondSize = topSize; firstLower = lower; firstUpper = pivot; secondLower = pivot + 1; secondUpper = upper; } else { firstSize = topSize; secondSize = bottomSize; firstLower = pivot + 1; firstUpper = upper; secondLower = lower; secondUpper = pivot; } firstSubsorter = getSubsorter(firstSize); secondSubsorter = getSubsorter(secondSize); firstSubsorter.sort(list, firstLower, firstUpper); secondSubsorter.sort(list, secondLower, secondUpper); }
public final void pivotInSort(List<E> list, int lower, int upper) { int pivot = super.pivotIn(list, lower, upper); if (pivot < 0) return; pivotInSort(list, lower, pivot); pivotInSort(list, pivot + 1, upper); } public final void pivotDownUpSort(List<E> list, int lower, int upper) { int pivot = super.pivotDown(list, lower, upper); if (pivot < 0) return; pivotUpDownSort(list, lower, pivot); pivotUpDownSort(list, pivot + 1, upper); } public final void pivotUpDownSort(List<E> list, int lower, int upper) { int pivot = super.pivotUp(list, lower, upper); if (pivot < 0) return; pivotDownUpSort(list, lower, pivot); pivotDownUpSort(list, pivot + 1, upper); } public final void pivotDownSort(List<E> list, int lower, int upper) { int pivot = super.pivotDown(list, lower, upper); if (pivot < 0) return; pivotDownSort(list, lower, pivot); pivotDownSort(list, pivot + 1, upper); } public final void pivotUpSort(List<E> list, int lower, int upper) { int pivot = super.pivotUp(list, lower, upper); if (pivot < 0) return; pivotUpSort(list, lower, pivot); pivotUpSort(list, pivot + 1, upper); } }
/** Go, Sorter. Go! * * Is it pretty? Is it quick? Is it pretty quick? * * Do you like thisPrettyQuickSorter? */ public class PrettyQuickSorters { private static final Multitool<String> tool = new Multitool<String>(); private static final CountingSorter<String> thisPrettyQuickSorter = new Quicksorter<String>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); private static final InjectableSorter<String> thatPrettyQuickSorter = (list, cmp) -> Collections.sort(list, cmp); private static final CountingComparator<String> comparator = new CountingComparator<String>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); public static void main(String[] args) { Long nanoSec1 = 0L, nanoSec2 = 0L; List<String> original = Arrays.asList(args); List<List<String>> permutations = tool.allPermutationsOf(original); for (List<String> permutation : permutations) { List<String> copy1 = tool.copy(permutation); tool.startTimer(); thisPrettyQuickSorter.sort(copy1); nanoSec1 += tool.stopTimer(); List<String> copy2 = tool.copy(permutation); tool.startTimer(); thatPrettyQuickSorter.sort(copy2, comparator); nanoSec2 += tool.stopTimer(); } System.out.println("Sorted " + permutations.size() + " permutations of " + original); System.out.println("This comparisons, exchanges, seconds: " + thisPrettyQuickSorter.comparisonCount() + ", " + thisPrettyQuickSorter.exchangeCount() + ", " + nanoSec1 / 1e9); System.out.println("That comparisons, exchanges, seconds: " + comparator.count() + ", ?, " + nanoSec2 / 1e9); } }