She was the first to recognize that the machine had applications beyond pure calculation,
and created the first algorithm intended to be carried out by such a machine.
This the way to the D.E.K. museyroom. Mind your hats goan in!
In the preface to volume one of The Art of Computer Programming,
Donald E. Knuth forearms the reader with the following
about the chapters that follow said preface.
The following chapters are not meant to serve as an introduction to
computer programming; the reader is supposed to have had some previous
experience. The prerequisites are actually very simple, but a beginner
requires time and practice before he* properly understands the
concept of a digital computer. The reader should possess:
Some idea of how a stored-program digital computer works; not necessarily
the electronics, rather the manner in which instructions can be kept
in the machine's memory and successively executed. Previous exposure to
machine language will be helpful.
An ability to put the solutions to problems into such explicit terms that
a computer can “understand” them. (These machines have no
common sense; they have not yet learned to “think,” and they
do exactly as they are told, no more and no less. This fact is the hardest
concept to grasp when one first tries to use a computer.)
Some knowledge of the most elementary computer techniques, such as
looping (performing a set of instructions repeatedly), the use of
subroutines, and the use of index registers.
A little knowlege of common computer jargon, e.g. “memory,”
“registers,” “bits,” “floating point,”
“overflow.” Most words not defined in this text are given
brief definitions in the index at the close of each volume.
These four prerequisites can perhaps be summed up into the single requirement
that the reader should have already written and tested at least, say, four
programs for at least one computer.
* or she. Masculine pronouns in this book are usually not intended to connote
gender. Occasional chauvinistic comments are not to be taken seriously.
Over the years numerous high priests of programming have expounded
one language or one methodology over another with religious zeal,
and they've often had very fanatical disciples. In this sense
religion and computer science are not completely separate;
they share a fair amount of common ground.
Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About (2001)
... she participated in the first live music broadcast on the Internet.
— Wikipedia,
Anna Karlin
(retrieved on 2 July 2017)
Which band was the first to play live on the internet?
Historically, women in computing have had an effect on the evolution of the industry, with some of the first programmers during the early 20th century being female.
Grace Hopper
was the first person to create a compiler for a programming language and one of the first programmers of the Mark I computer.
Adele Goldberg
was one of the seven programmers that developed Smalltalk in the 1970s, one of the first object-oriented programming languages,
the base of the current graphic user interface, that has its roots in the 1968 The Mother of All Demos by Douglas Engelbart.
Frances E. Allen
(1932–), became the first female IBM Fellow in 1989. In 2006, she became the first female recipient of the ACM's Turing Award.
Anna R. Karlin is an American computer scientist,
the Microsoft Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington.
Karlin's research interests are in the design and analysis of online algorithms and randomized algorithms,
which she has applied to problems in algorithmic game theory, system software, distributed computing, and data mining.
Karlin was also one of the founding members of the rock music band Severe Tire Damage,
and in 1993 as part of the band she participated in the first live music broadcast on the Internet.
List the names (first, middle, and last, if possible) of all of the women who satisfy the following condition: the person must be a fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
and the person's name must appear on the Q & A tab on this web page.
How does one become a fellow of the ACM?
Find a pair of fellows of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
who share the same last name and do so because one is the father and one is the daughter of the other. What are their names and professions?
Continuing the previous exercise, narrow your search by finding such a pair of fellows that has the same last name as
a teacher at Valley Catholic School who earned a bachelor’s in English and a master’s in education, both from Stanford University.
How are these three people related to each other?
Continuing the previous exercise, find a famous math teacher at Valley Catholic School who earned a bachelor’s degree from Princeton University,
a master’s in mathematics from Portland State, and a master’s in theology from Dallas Theological Seminary.
How is this person related to the individuals you discovered in the previous two exercises?
Read the Forbes article
Meet These Incredible Women Advancing A.I. Research.
Which of the women mentioned in the article is doing work that sounds interesting to you? What is it about their work that interests you?