
Scratch the surface; or, Snap!


See Also



Henry Xie was the catalyst for this wonderful MESS. It's a pretty neat MESS, if I do say so myself.

Thanks Henry!

On Wednesday, July 19, 2017, Henry’s monther, Huaiyu Liu, wrote in an email:

Initially my concern was more on is it at appropriate level for Justin, as he's an older student in the camp and had various exposures to programming. Turns out the current topic probably is good enough for him, as he is new to JavaScript/CSS/HTML.

So this email is more about how to help Henry. He is probably the youngest in the class, and maybe the one least exposed to programming concepts. From our conversations, it seems that the topic of JavaScript/CSS/HTML program is a bit abstract to him, and he's confused with the syntax/semantics details of such programming languages. With Justin's help, he's able to understand to certain level and make progress, but probably there are other ways to keep him more interested and better engaged.

He had some exposure to Scratch before and expressed interests in learning more of it.