the Places You'll Goto!
I wish I were the kind of writer who outlined things, who knew where she was going,
who knew how a book was going to end. Because those writers actually finish what they start.
who knew how a book was going to end. Because those writers actually finish what they start.
— FRANCINE PROSE in a recorded talk (2004)
- Basic Concepts
- Algorithms
- Mathematical Preliminaries
- Numbers, Powers, and Logarithms
- Recurrent Problems
- Sums
- Integer Functions
- Number Theory
- Binomial Coefficients
- Special Numbers
- Generating Functions
- Discrete Probability
- Asymptotics
- Programming Language X
- Input and Output
- Data Types
- Primitive and Build-in Types
- Composite or Aggregate Types
- Conditionals
- Loops
- Functions, Abstraction, and Recursion
- Programming Paradigms
- Elements of Programming Style
- Information Structures
- Recursive Structures
- Arrays and Lists
- Trees
- Random Numbers
- Arithmetic
- Sorting
- Searching
- Combinatorial Searching