In Dictionary of Object Technology: The Definitive Desk Reference, Donald G. Firesmith provides the following definition for the word polymorphism:
n. 1. the ability of a single name to refer to different things having different forms.
Firesmith defines overloading as:
n. any polymorphism whereby the same name is overloaded (i.e., is used for different, but analogous, abstractions).And he defines global overloading as:
n. any overloading in which the same name is used for abstractions in different contexts or scopes unrelated by inheritance.
You can use a construct called varargs to pass an arbitrary number of values to a method. You use varargs when you don't know how many of a particular type of argument will be passed to the method. It's a shortcut to creating an array manually.To use varargs, you follow the type of the last parameter by an ellipsis (three dots, ...), then a space, and the parameter name. The method can then be called with any number of that parameter, including none.
/* A social system in which the father is head of the household, having authority over women and children, * and in which lineage is traced through the male line. * * — */ public class Patriarchy { private static void printLineages(String heading, Descendant... lineage) { System.out.println(heading); for (Descendant d : lineage) System.out.println("\n" + d.toString()); } private static Descendant[] getLineages(String[] names) { final int n = names.length; final String a = n > 0 ? names[0] : Descendant.UNDEFINED; final String b = n > 1 ? names[1] : Descendant.UNDEFINED; final String c = n > 2 ? names[2] : Descendant.UNDEFINED; Descendant[] bc = { new Son(b, a), new Grandson(c, b, a) }; return bc; } public static void main(String args[]) { printLineages("EXAMPLE 1", new JohnSpurgeon()); System.out.println(); final String a = "Adam", b = "Cain", c = "Enoch"; printLineages("EXAMPLE 2", new Father(a), new Son(b, a), new Grandson(c, b, a)); System.out.println(); printLineages("EXAMPLE 3", getLineages(args)); } }
/* NOTES * * 1. In addition to declaring methods, interfaces may also define static constants. * Such constants are always static and final; in other words, they are static and * final even if those keywords don't appear before the name of the constant. * 2. Methods declared in an interface are public and abstract by default; i.e., * the keywords public and abstract may be used explicitly or they may be omitted. * 3. The name of an interface may be used to specify the type of a variable. This * technique is commonly used when the variable is a parameter. This is an example * of global overloading. */ interface Descendant { // public static final String UNDEFINED = "undefined"; String UNDEFINED = "undefined"; // public abstract String whoAmI(); String whoAmI(); String whoIsMyFather(); String whoIsMyGrandfather(); } class JohnSpurgeon implements Descendant { final public String whoAmI() { return "I am John Spurgeon."; } final public String whoIsMyFather() { return "My father is Paul Spurgeon."; } final public String whoIsMyGrandfather() { return "My father's father was Frank Spurgeon."; } }
class Father implements Descendant { private final String firstInLine; protected String self() { return this.firstInLine; } protected String father() { return Descendant.UNDEFINED; } protected String grandfather() { return Descendant.UNDEFINED; } public Father(String me) { this.firstInLine = me; } final public String whoAmI() { return "I am " + this.self() + "."; } public String whoIsMyFather() { return "My father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name."; } final public String whoIsMyGrandfather() { return "My grandfather is " + this.grandfather() + "."; } public String toString() { return whoAmI() + "\n" + whoIsMyFather(); } } class Son extends Father { private final String secondInLine; protected String self() { return secondInLine; } protected String father() { return super.self(); } public Son(String me, String myFather) { super(myFather); secondInLine = me; } final public String whoIsMyFather() { return "My father is " + father() + "."; } public String toString() { return whoAmI() + "\n" + whoIsMyFather() + "\n" + whoIsMyGrandfather(); } } class Grandson extends Son { private final String thirdInLine; protected final String self() { return thirdInLine; } protected final String father() { return super.self(); } protected final String grandfather() { return super.father(); } public Grandson(String me, String myFather, String myGrandfather) { super(myFather, myGrandfather); thirdInLine = me; } }
/* Command-line args: "a" "b" "c" EXAMPLE 1 JohnSpurgeon@5f205aa EXAMPLE 2 I am Adam. My father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. I am Cain. My father is Adam. My grandfather is undefined. I am Enoch. My father is Cain. My grandfather is Adam. EXAMPLE 3 I am b. My father is a. My grandfather is undefined. I am c. My father is b. My grandfather is a. */