
Wee Bank

/* Title: WeeBank
 * Author: John P. Spurgeon
 * Director's cut: 15 April 2018
 * Available at:
 * The names, algorithms, and comments below are the products of the author's memory and
 * imagination or are the result of reading books or surfing the internet. Any resemblance
 * to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events might be an allusion. No drugs
 * (other than caffeine and maybe one or two BEAK BREAKER/BENDERS) were used during the
 * production of this program.


// With a little help from our friends

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ArrayList;


/* Insertion Sort */

final class InsertionSort
    // Exercise: Write insertIntoMultiset.
    public static <E> boolean insertIntoSet(E element, List<E> sortedSet, Comparator<E> cmp)
        final int n = sortedSet.size();
        int i = 0;
        while (i < n)
            int result =, element);
            if (result == 0) return false;
            else if (result > 0) break;
            else i++;
        sortedSet.add(i, element);
        return true;

/* Binary Search */

interface Fun<X, Y>
    Y apply(X element);

/* "Extra, Extra - Read All About It: Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts are Broken"
 *  Posted by Joshua Bloch on Friday, June 02, 2006 at

final class BinarySearch
    /* Ponder These:
     *  - When might a simple linear search be better? (What about the size of the list?)
     *  - What values of the so-called sortedSet parameter could cause this method to fail?
     *  - What type of List<E> object would you definitely not want to pass to this method?
    public static <E, V>
    int getIndex(V value, List<E> sortedSet, Fun<E, V> f, Comparator<V> cmp)
        int i, lower = 0, upper = sortedSet.size() - 1;
        while (upper >= lower)
            i = lower + ((upper - lower) / 2); // Ponder This: Why not (upper + lower) / 2 ?
            E element = sortedSet.get(i);
            int result =, f.apply(element));
            if (result == 0) return i;
            else if (result < 0) upper = i - 1;
            else lower = i + 1;
        return -1;
    public static <E, V extends Comparable<V>>
    int getIndex(V value, List<E> sortedSet, Fun<E, V> f)
        Comparator<V> cmp = (V v1, V v2) -> v1.compareTo(v2);
        return getIndex(value, sortedSet, f, cmp);

// PART 2. TWIN SISTERS PICTURES (a virtual company) PRESENTS...

/* WeeBank: A New Feature Film */

public class WeeBank // Our motto is too small to matter.
    public static void main(String[] args)
        final int n = args.length;
        final int numHolders = n == 2 ? Integer.parseInt(args[0]) : 16;
        final int numTransactions = n == 2 ? Integer.parseInt(args[1]) : 1024;
        final CommandProcessingUnit cpu = new CommandProcessingUnit();
        final String[] lines = (n == 0 || n == 2) ?
             Writer.getScript(numHolders, numTransactions) : args;
        for (String line : lines) // Action!
            BackupAcct backupAcct = null;
                case Keywords.CREATE_BANK:
                case Keywords.OPEN_EXPOSED_CHECKING:
                    backupAcct = cpu.openExposedCheckingAcct();
                case Keywords.OPEN_PROTECTED_CHECKING:
                case Keywords.OPEN_SAVINGS:
                    backupAcct = cpu.openSavingsAcct();
                case Keywords.DEPOSIT:
                case Keywords.WITHDRAW:
        Banks.display(); // screening


/* Banks (the personhood, not the famous metropolis)               */
/* See also:  */

/* We are uncovering better ways of profiting
 * by doing it and sabotaging others who do it.
 * Through this work we have come to value:
 * Automated processes and tools over life
 * Share holders over account holders
 * Executives over managers over customers
 * Collecting fees over paying interest
 * That is, while the items on the right are necessary,
 * the items on the left are to die for.
 *  (Not signed or said by dead board misdirectors.)

final class Banks
    public static final BankComparator bankComparator = new BankComparator();
    private static final ArrayList<Bank> sortedBankSet = new ArrayList<Bank>();
    public static Bank getBank(Integer routingNum)
        Fun<Bank, Integer> f = (Bank b) -> (Integer)b.getRoutingNum();
        final int i = BinarySearch.getIndex(routingNum, sortedBankSet, f);
        if (i < 0) Error.illegalArg("Bad routing number.");
        return sortedBankSet.get(i);
    public static boolean createBank(int routingNum, String bankName)
        Bank bank = new Bank(routingNum, bankName);
        return InsertionSort.insertIntoSet(bank, sortedBankSet, Banks.bankComparator);
    public static void display()
        for (Bank bank : sortedBankSet) System.out.println(bank);

final class Bank
    /* See:
     * See also:
    private final int routingNum;
    private final String bankName;
    private final List<Account> sortedAcctSet = new ArrayList<Account>();
    private final List<Holder> sortedHolderSet = new ArrayList<Holder>();
    private final CustomerService customerService;
    private final BankManager manager;
    public Bank(int routingNum, String bankName)
        this.bankName = bankName;
        this.routingNum = routingNum;
        this.customerService = new CustomerService(sortedHolderSet);
        this.manager = new BankManager(this, customerService, sortedAcctSet);
    public final BankManager getManager()
        return manager;
    public final int getRoutingNum()
        return routingNum;
    public final String getBankName()
        return bankName;
    public final boolean equals(Object that)
        // System.out.println("Comparing " + this.toString() + " and " + that.toString()); 
        if (that == null) return false;
        if (!Bank.class.isAssignableFrom(that.getClass())) return false;
        final Bank other = (Bank) that;
        return this.routingNum == other.routingNum;
    public String toString()
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("Bank: " + bankName + "\n");
        sb.append("Routing number: " + routingNum + "\n");
        for (Account acct : sortedAcctSet) sb.append(acct.toString());
        return sb.toString();

final class BankManager
    private final Bank bank;
    private final CustomerService customerService;
    private final List<Account> sortedAcctSet;

    public BankManager(Bank bank, CustomerService customerService, List<Account> accounts)
    { = bank;
        this.customerService = customerService;
        sortedAcctSet = accounts;
    public final ExposedCheckingAcct
    openExposedCheckingAcct(int acctNum, String holderId)
        Holder holder = customerService.getOrCreateHolder(holderId);
        ExposedCheckingAcct acct = new ExposedCheckingAcct(bank, acctNum, holder);
        return addAccount(acct, holder) ? acct : null;
    public final ProtectedCheckingAcct
    openProtectedCheckingAcct(int acctNum, String holderId, BackupAcct backup)
        Holder holder = customerService.getOrCreateHolder(holderId);
        ProtectedCheckingAcct acct = new ProtectedCheckingAcct(bank, acctNum, holder, backup);
        return addAccount(acct, holder) ? acct : null;
    public final SavingsAcct
    openSavingsAcct(int acctNum, String holderId)
        Holder holder = customerService.getOrCreateHolder(holderId);
        SavingsAcct acct = new SavingsAcct(bank, acctNum, holder);
        return addAccount(acct, holder) ? acct : null;
    public final Account getAccount(Integer acctNum)
        Fun<Account, Integer> f = (Account a) -> (Integer)a.getAcctNum();
        final int i = BinarySearch.getIndex(acctNum, sortedAcctSet, f);
        if (i < 0) Error.illegalArg("Bad account number.");
        return sortedAcctSet.get(i);
    private final boolean addAccount(Account acct, Holder holder)
        if (InsertionSort.insertIntoSet(acct, sortedAcctSet, Accounts.acctComparator))
            return true;
        return false;

final class CustomerService
    private final List<Holder> sortedHolderSet;

    public CustomerService(List<Holder> holders)
        sortedHolderSet = holders;
    public final int getHolderIndex(String holderId)
        Fun<Holder, String> f = (Holder h) -> h.getId();
        return BinarySearch.getIndex(holderId, sortedHolderSet, f);
    public final boolean addHolder(Holder holder)
        if (getHolderIndex(holder.getId()) >= 0) return false;
        return InsertionSort.insertIntoSet(holder, sortedHolderSet, Holders.holderIdComparator);
    public final Holder getOrCreateHolder(String holderId)
        final int i = getHolderIndex(holderId);
        return i < 0 ? new Holder(holderId) : sortedHolderSet.get(i);


/* Accounts */

/* Entourage */

class Accounts
    public static final Comparator<Account>
        acctComparator = new AcctComparator(),
        /* For future use... */
        acctBalanceComparator = new AcctBalanceComparator(),
        reverseAcctBalanceComparator = Collections.reverseOrder(acctBalanceComparator);

/** Something (an account) that may be overdrawn and can thereby incur fees. */
interface Overdraftable // This is risky business.
    int getOverdraftCount();

/** An account that may be used for so-called overdraft protection. */
interface BackupAcct // Be sure to charge for this.
    int getAcctNum();
    int getRoutingNum();
    boolean hasSufficientFunds(int requestedCents);
    boolean withdraw(int cents);

/* Leading Actor */

abstract class Account
    private Holder holder;
    private int acctNum;
    private int balance;
    private Bank bank;
    protected Account(Bank bank, int acctNum, Holder holder)
        if (bank == null) Error.illegalArg("bank cannot be null");
        if (holder == null) Error.illegalArg("holder cannot be null");
        if (acctNum < 0) Error.illegalArg("account number cannot be negative"); = bank;
        this.acctNum = acctNum;
        this.holder = holder;
    public abstract double getInterestRate();
    public Holder getHolder() { return holder; }
    public final int getAcctNum() { return acctNum; }
    public final int getRoutingNum() { return bank.getRoutingNum(); }
    public final int getBalance() { return balance; }
    public final boolean hasSufficientFunds(int requestedCents)
        return balance >= requestedCents;
    public final void deposit(int cents)
        if (cents <= 0) Error.illegalArg("Cents must be greater than zero.");
        int newBalance = balance + cents;
        if (newBalance <= balance) Error.overflow();
        balance = newBalance;
    public boolean withdraw(int cents)
        if (cents <= 0) Error.illegalArg("Cents must be greater than zero.");
        int newBalance = balance - cents;
        if (newBalance >= balance) Error.overflow();
        balance = newBalance;
        return true;
    public final boolean equals(Object that)
        // System.out.println("Comparing " + this.toString() + " and " + that.toString()); 
        if (that == null) return false;
        if (!Account.class.isAssignableFrom(that.getClass())) return false;
        final Account other = (Account) that;
        return && this.acctNum == other.getAcctNum();
    public String toString()
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("\n" + Strings.TAB + "Account #: " + acctNum);
        sb.append("\n" + Strings.TAB + "Account holder: " + holder.getId());
        sb.append("\n" + Strings.TAB + "Balance: " + (balance/100.0) + "\n");
        return sb.toString();

/* Account Understudies: Checking Accounts */

abstract class CheckingAcct extends Account implements Overdraftable
    private int overdraftCount = 0;
    protected CheckingAcct(Bank bank, int acctNum, Holder holder)
        super(bank, acctNum, holder);
    public final double getInterestRate() { return 0.005; }
    public final int getOverdraftCount() { return overdraftCount; }
    public boolean withdraw(int cents)
        boolean succeeded = super.withdraw(cents);
        if (succeeded && getBalance() < 0)
            if (++overdraftCount < 0) Error.overflow();
        return succeeded;
    public String toString()
        return super.toString() + Strings.TAB +
        "Overdraft count: " + overdraftCount + "\n";

final class ExposedCheckingAcct extends CheckingAcct implements BackupAcct
    public ExposedCheckingAcct(Bank bank, int acctNum, Holder holder)
        super(bank, acctNum, holder);
    public final boolean withdraw(int cents)
        return super.withdraw(cents); // Ponder This: Why bother with this?
    public String toString()
        return "\n" + Strings.TAB + "Checking Account" + super.toString();

final class ProtectedCheckingAcct extends CheckingAcct
    private final BackupAcct backup; // provides overdraft protection
    public ProtectedCheckingAcct(Bank bank, int acctNum, Holder holder, BackupAcct backup)
        super(bank, acctNum, holder);
        if (backup == null) Error.illegalArg("backup cannot be null");
        this.backup = backup;
    public final boolean withdraw(int cents)
        return super.withdraw(cents);
    private final void tryToEnsureSufficientFunds(int requestedCents)
        final int balance = getBalance();
        if (requestedCents > balance)
            final int deficit = requestedCents - balance;
            if (backup.hasSufficientFunds(deficit) && backup.withdraw(deficit))
    public String toString()
        return "\n" + Strings.TAB + "Checking Account" + super.toString() + Strings.TAB +
               "Protected by: " +
               backup.getAcctNum() + "\n";

/* Account Understudies: Savings Account */

final class SavingsAcct extends Account implements BackupAcct
    public SavingsAcct(Bank bank, int acctNum, Holder holder)
        super(bank, acctNum, holder);
    public final double getInterestRate() { return 0.015; }
    public final boolean withdraw(int cents)
        if (!hasSufficientFunds(cents)) return false;
        return super.withdraw(cents);
    public String toString()
        return "\n" + Strings.TAB + "Savings Account" + super.toString();


/* Account Holders */

/* Holders are just extras. They don't do much. */

final class Holders
    public static Comparator<Holder> holderIdComparator = new HolderIdComparator();

class Holder
    private String holderId;
    private List<Account> sortedAcctSet = new LinkedList<Account>();
    public Holder(String holderId)
        if (holderId == null) Error.illegalArg("holder id cannot be null");
        if (holderId.length() == 0) Error.illegalArg("holder id length cannot be zero");
        this.holderId = holderId;
    public final boolean addAccount(Account acct)
        if (acct == null) Error.illegalArg("account cannot be null");
        return InsertionSort.insertIntoSet(acct, sortedAcctSet, Accounts.acctComparator);
    public final String getId() { return holderId; }


/* CPU */

/* A gaffer in the motion picture industry and on a television crew is the head electrician,
 * responsible for the execution (and sometimes the design) of...
final class CommandProcessingUnit
    private Stack<String> argStack = new Stack<String>();
    private BackupAcct backupAcct;

    private int popInt() { return Integer.parseInt(argStack.pop()); }
    private String popString() { return argStack.pop(); }
    public void pushString(String s) { argStack.push(s); }
    public void setBackupAcct(BackupAcct acct) { backupAcct = acct; }

    public void createBank()
        int routingNum = popInt();
        String bankName = popString();
        Banks.createBank(routingNum, bankName);
    public BackupAcct openExposedCheckingAcct()
        int acctNum = popInt();
        int routingNum = popInt();
        String holderId = popString();
        Bank bank = Banks.getBank(routingNum);
        return bank.getManager().openExposedCheckingAcct(acctNum, holderId);
    public void openProtectedCheckingAcct()
        int acctNum = popInt();
        int routingNum = popInt();
        String holderId = popString();
        Bank bank = Banks.getBank(routingNum);
        bank.getManager().openProtectedCheckingAcct(acctNum, holderId, backupAcct);
    public BackupAcct openSavingsAcct()
        int acctNum = popInt();
        int routingNum = popInt();
        String holderId = popString();
        Bank bank = Banks.getBank(routingNum);
        return bank.getManager().openSavingsAcct(acctNum, holderId);
    public void makeDeposit()
        int cents = popInt();
        int acctNum = popInt();
        int routingNum = popInt();
        Bank bank = Banks.getBank(routingNum);
        Account acct = bank.getManager().getAccount(acctNum);
    public void makeWithdrawal()
        int cents = popInt();
        int acctNum = popInt();
        int routingNum = popInt();
        Bank bank = Banks.getBank(routingNum);
        Account acct = bank.getManager().getAccount(acctNum);

/* Comparators */

/* After the attachment phase is complete..., the physical auditions begin for all of the
 * remaining roles. During this time, depending on the budget of the film, they could have
 * what is called "pre-screens" where you audition only for a casting director (or associate)
 * to see if the actor is right for the material.... The resulting list of actors who were
 * selected to play a character for a production, is called a cast list ... A key intern will
 * work with many busy casting directors sorting mail, ..., help[ing] actors sign in, and
 * keep[ing] the flow of talent going in and out of the casting room as smooth[ly] as possible.

final class HolderIdComparator implements Comparator<Holder>
    public int compare(Holder h1, Holder h2)
        return h1.getId().compareTo(h2.getId());

final class BankComparator implements Comparator<Bank>
    public int compare(Bank b1, Bank b2)
        return, b2.getRoutingNum());

final class AcctComparator implements Comparator<Account>
    public int compare(Account a1, Account a2)
        int result =, a2.getRoutingNum());
        if (result == 0)
            result =, a2.getAcctNum());
        return result;
final class AcctBalanceComparator implements Comparator<Account>
    public int compare(Account a1, Account a2)
        return, a2.getBalance());

/* Bits and Pieces */

/* Scenic Designers */

final class Keywords
    public static final String
        CREATE_BANK = "create_bank",
        DEPOSIT = "deposit",
        OPEN_EXPOSED_CHECKING = "open_exposed_checking",
        OPEN_PROTECTED_CHECKING = "open_protected_checking",
        OPEN_SAVINGS = "open_savings",
        WITHDRAW = "withdraw";

final class Strings
    public static final String SEP = ","; // separator
    public static final String TAB = "    ";
    public static final String[] POS_DIGITS = {
        "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"
    public static final String[] TEN_DIGITS = {
        "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"
    public static final String[] FIRST_NAMES = {
        "Alan", "Barbara", "Bob", "David", "Don", "Fran", "John", "Judea",
        "Juris", "Ken", "Leslie", "Martin", "Marvin", "Niklaus",
        "Tony", "Whitfield"
    public static final String[] LAST_NAMES = {
        "Allen", "Diffie", "Floyd", "Hartmanis", "Hellman", "Hennessy",
        "Hoare", "Knuth", "Lamport", "Liskov", "Minsky", "Patterson",
        "Pearl", "Perlis", "Thompson", "Wirth"
    public static final String[] BANK_NAMES = {
        "DoA", "MoMoneyChaser", "WellGoFar", "UrbanCollection", "MenNGoldNBags"
    public static final String[] ROUTING_NUMBERS = {
        "503087512", "908170897", "275653426", "154509612", "677765703"
        // Ponder This: Which number is missing??
    public static final String[] TRANSACTIONS = {
        Keywords.DEPOSIT, Keywords.WITHDRAW
    public static final String[] CREATE_EXPOSED_ACCT_COMMANDS = {
        /* Keywords.OPEN_EXPOSED_CHECKING, */ Keywords.OPEN_SAVINGS
    public static final String[] CREATE_CHECKING_ACCT_COMMANDS = {

final class Tokens
    public static String getRandom(String[] strings)
        return strings[(int)(strings.length * Math.random())];
    public static String getRandom(List<String> strings)
        return strings.get((int)(strings.size() * Math.random()));
    private static String getRandomHolderId()
        return getRandom(Strings.FIRST_NAMES) + getRandom(Strings.LAST_NAMES);
    private static String getRandomNum(int n, String[] digits)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        while (n-- > 0) sb.append(getRandom(digits));
        return sb.toString();
    private static String getRandomCents()
        int n = (int)(3 * Math.random());
        return getRandomNum(3, Strings.POS_DIGITS) +
               getRandomNum(n, Strings.TEN_DIGITS);
    private static String getRandomAcctNum()
        return getRandomNum(1, Strings.POS_DIGITS) +
               getRandomNum(5, Strings.TEN_DIGITS);
    private static String getRandomRoutingNum()
        return getRandom(Strings.ROUTING_NUMBERS);
    public static String getRandomHolderBankInfo()
        return getRandomHolderId() + Strings.SEP + getRandomRoutingNum();
    public static String getRandomAccountInfo(String holderBankInfo)
        /* Ponder These:
         * - What could go wrong? Hint: getRandomAcctNum().
         * - How would you know if it did?
         * - What are the odds?
         * - What are the consequences?
         * Exercise: Eliminate the possibility. Hint: getUniqueAcctNum().
        return holderBankInfo + Strings.SEP + getRandomAcctNum();
    public static String getRandomTransaction()
        return getRandomCents() + Strings.SEP +

/* Head Writer */

/* Don't Bother Me. I'm creating. */

final class Writer
    private static List<String> createAcctCommands;
    private static List<String> transactionInfo;
    private static String getCreateBankCommand(int i)
        return Strings.BANK_NAMES[i] + Strings.SEP +
               Strings.ROUTING_NUMBERS[i] + Strings.SEP + "create_bank";
    private static String createExposedAcctCommand(String acctInfo)
        return acctInfo + Strings.SEP +
    private static String createCheckingAcctCommand(String acctInfo)
        return acctInfo + Strings.SEP +
    private static void storyboard(int n)
        createAcctCommands = new LinkedList<String>();
        transactionInfo = new LinkedList<String>();
        while (--n >= 0)
            String holderBankInfo = Tokens.getRandomHolderBankInfo();
            String a1 = Tokens.getRandomAccountInfo(holderBankInfo);
            String t1 = a1.substring(a1.indexOf(Strings.SEP) + 1);
            String a2 = Tokens.getRandomAccountInfo(holderBankInfo);
            String t2 = a2.substring(a2.indexOf(Strings.SEP) + 1);
    private static String getCreateBankCommands()
        final int len1 = Strings.BANK_NAMES.length;
        final int len2 = Strings.ROUTING_NUMBERS.length;
        int n = Math.min(len1, len2);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        while (--n > 0) sb.append(getCreateBankCommand(n) + Strings.SEP);
        if (n == 0) sb.append(getCreateBankCommand(n));
        return sb.toString();
    private static String getCreateAcctCommands()
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (String cmd : createAcctCommands)
            sb.append(Strings.SEP + cmd);
        return sb.toString();
    private static String getTransactionCommands(int m)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        while (m-- > 0)
            String cmd = Strings.SEP + Tokens.getRandom(transactionInfo) + Strings.SEP +
        return sb.toString();
    public static String[] getScript(int numHolders, int numTransactions)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        return sb.toString().split("\\" + Strings.SEP);

/* Error Handling */

/* Producer: I'm the only one allowed to say 'Cut!' */

final class Error
    private static final String CUT = "Cut! ";
    public static void illegalArg(String message)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(CUT + message);
    public static void illegalState(String message)
        throw new IllegalStateException(CUT + message);
    public static void overflow()
        Error.overflow("Overflow detected.");
    public static void overflow(String message)
        throw new ArithmeticException(CUT + message);